The need to create slideshows for presentations is increasing, both visually and in the form of videos which are very important in all kinds of aspects. Good for students, students, to office employees. This ability cannot be ignored. Based on the understanding, slideshow is a media presentation model in the form of images or videos. It is commonly used at occasions such as presentations on school assignments, office meetings, product introductions to customers, discount promotions or cashbacks, etc. A slide show consists of a series of individual photo slides usually displayed on a wall or whiteboard. The display device is called a projector. Or if in this day and age, you can directly post your slideshow video to social media.

Slideshows can be presentations of images purely for visual or artistic value, sometimes without description or text. In addition to explanations, the slideshow concept can be used to clarify information, ideas, comments, solutions, or suggestions that are presented orally. There are many design platforms that can be used to create slideshows. But the problem is, sometimes we run into dead ends when we want to create a slideshow design in the form of a video. Here we are ready to help you in making a video slideshow!


There are many companies providing video slideshow services. VISORRA is one that you can choose from. Why?

  1. VISORRA has a lot of experience in making video slideshow services. The VISORRA team consists of several graphic designers and professional videographers who have experienced since 2006.
  2. Has many partners because he has worked with more than 200 clients from within and outside the country in the field of video slideshow creation services.
  3. Offering several timelines for video slideshow creation services. If you need another timeline, please discuss with the VISORRA team, you can consult first via WhatsApp or you can also have a virtual meeting with our team.
  4. Design an elegant slideshow video creation service, according to your requests and needs for making your YouTube intro video. VISORRA understands the importance of YouTube intro videos, namely to help you convey a message to your YouTube viewers. Therefore, the VISORRA team will adjust the slideshow video creation according to your needs.
  5. Quality slideshow video creation services are ideas that are conveyed in a straightforward manner through concise words and clear audio visuals. Therefore, VISORRA provides an opportunity for you to convey your ideas to be visualized through making a video slideshow that is informative and easy for your audience to understand.
  6. VISORRA has a different service from other slideshow video creation services, for this service we provide a negotiation system in terms of budget for all of you who are interested in working with our team.

Do you need slideshow video creation services for your company or are you a student in need of video slideshow creation services for your assignment? VISORRA can give you the best. And of course very professional. For information about ordering video slideshow making services, if you have further questions, please contact us at 0811-9350-504 or 0813-8823-9660.

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Mengapa Menggunakan Layanan Pembuatan Video di

  • Tim kami terdiri dari videografer, animator dan desainer profesional yang telah berpengalaman mendesain presentasi untuk berbagai kebutuhan bagi klien di dalam dan luar negeri

  • Video yang luar biasa, adalah video yang memiliki rasa dan karsa dalam setiap momennya. Oleh karena itu, kami memberikan kesempatan bagi anda untuk menyampaikan ide visual anda untuk divisualisasikan melalui video yang tidak hanya bercerita namun juga memberikan ruang bagi penonton untuk merasakan tiap detik momen kehidupan di dalamnya.

  • Video dibuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Jangan ragu untuk menyampaikan ide serta cerita anda kepada tim kami, agar tim kami dapat membuat video yang luar biasa bagi anda.

  • Animasi yang elegan dan sesuai dengan permintaan dan kebutuhan anda. Kami memahami pentingnya animasi dalam video yakni untuk membantu anda menyampaikan pesan anda. Oleh karena itu, kami akan menyesuaikan permintaan animasi dengan kebutuhan anda.

  • Anda dapat memilih waktu pengerjaan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Kami memiliki beberapa timeline pengerjaan, mulai dari 14 hari kerja hingga 24 jam yang dapat anda pilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda

  • Sebaik-baiknya biaya suatu layanan, adalah biaya yang tidak memberatkan kedua belah pihak. Baik dari pengguna jasa maupun penyedia jasa. Oleh karena itu, kami membuka kesempatan negosiasi bagi anda.

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Phone: 0812 8905 020 / 0811 9350 504